Privacy Policy

At Laksna we are committed to protect all the information you share with us. We make every effort to guarantee that the information you provide will not be misused. We follow stringent procedures to help protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of data stored on our systems. Privacy is the right of an individual. The information of the customers such as contact no., email, addresses etc. is used only for the internal purpose and not for sale. However, this information may be disclosed to specific members of our staff and to our service providers (such as our payment gateway providers and shipping partners) involved in the completion of your transaction and delivery of your order. Your credit card/debit card, netbanking, or wallet account information is directly provided to the payment gateways through secure SSL technology and Laksna has no access to this information. Such information will not be utilised and shared by the payment gateway provider with any of the third parties.